Tidiness is important - permission for street use
In case the container needs to be placed on the street
To use streets and sidewalks for "other purposes", a special permit needs to be given by the responsible community. They usually do so if no restrictions of normal traffic are expected. This requirement is important, since tidiness plays a big role in public places, which is why it also needs to be met for Big-Bags, city skips, skips, roll-off containers and rental toilet boxes. Depending on the city or community, the process can take up to 14 days and comes with fees to pay. It is possible that the permission is granted earlier, but sadly, there is no guarantee. So please plan in good time and calculate up to 14 days for the permit to come in and that way the delivery of your container.
You can either request the permit by yourself (if you are commercial) or choose to let us deal with it for you, for a fee we charge you with. An artisan firm or construction company should carry the responsibility for proper road safety for individuals. Our professionally trained staff is happy to take over this job for you too as it is a part of the permit by the city. Since we are responsible for having a permit before we put a container in place – even for a few minutes or hours -, we will ask you to send us a copy if you requested it yourself.
Before the full approval of the street permit, the regulatory agency checks if there is a high chance of some extent of disturbance for traffic by the container. This is especially important for pedestrian zones, streets before schools and rescue zones. They also check it the street width stays appropriate, rescue ways are still accessible and sidewalks can still be used without restrictions. When checking for permission on public traffic areas, alternatives are sought when concerns regarding the site are present and the duration is considered. Lastly the needed traffic safety measurements such as barriers and signs are fixed and ordered.
Please note, that we are not allowed to place containers on sidewalks, in fire alleys or rescue zones – not even for a short period of time!
Please note, that the authorities responsible for the order in traffic also require the use of extra stopping-restriction signs, securing of the construction site or the redirecting of the sidewalk if necessary. The signs and barriers need to be put up at least 72-96 hours before the delivery of the container, depending on the community so your neighbors have a chance to park their car somewhere else. The position and their labeling needs to be documented and achieved by special guidelines. This is the only way the applicant has a guarantee that the public area stays unused. We are happy to recommend providers for the safety features to you or take care of the organization with reliable partner! Considering the additional cost and time, it is easiest, fastest and cheapest if you put the container on your own grounds such as your garage entrance, front yards, driveway or others. This way you do not have to take care of anything further and we will be where ever you need us the next day with you skip or container.